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Process Management on Linux

Process Management on Linux

What is the process to each program thread that is running.

Each process has its own "unique" ID (PID).

The ps command is used to see the processes that are running.

ps-aux stands for (aux)
AllRepresents USERAll User represents der
The "ps" command is used to see the processes that are running. COMMAND EXAMPLES
Provides a very brief summaryPs
Provides a comprehensive summaryps -aux
Prints only the procedures of the arifa userps -auarifa
Only a special application prints the procssess you aux | grep applicationname
Running Process termination is also used in the command (kill)
To terminate all Processes of the same name.killall processadi
To terminate specified processes.kill -9 pid
Closes all processes of the same program.Kilall did not apply
Arif Akyüz
Senior Information Technologies and Cyber Security Specialist