Site Overlay

Add Whatsapp order button

In this article, the HTML code required for adding a Whatsapp order button to your website will be shared.

Add the following code to your site.
In order for the button to appear, download the image below to your computer and upload it to your site and replace the URL address ending with .png in the code with the URL address of the following image you upload to your site.

whatsapp siparis
window.onload = function(){
whatsapp_se_btn_phone = '905516356628'; Our phone number.
whatsapp_se_btn_msg = 'I want to contact you.'; The ready message we want written.
$(document.body).append('<div class="whatsapp-se-btn"></div>'),whatsapp_se_btn_base64="",$(".whatsapp-se-btn").attr("style","position:fixed;bottom:100px;right:55px;overflow:hidden;background:#FFFFFF;color:#FFFFFF;text-align:center;padding:4px 4px;z-index:9999999;cursor:pointer;box-shadow:#FFFFFF 0 0 5px;border-radius:100px; "),$(".whatsapp-se-btn").html('<img style="width: 100px;" src="'+whatsapp_se_btn_base64+'" alt="Contact Whatsapp" />'),$(".whatsapp-se-btn").attr("onclick",'location.href="'+whatsapp_se_btn_phone+"?text="+whatsapp_se_btn_msg+''');}