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İngilizce Sayılar ve Türkçe Okunuşları

Bu makalede “İngilizce Sayılar ve Türkçe Okunuşları” bulunmakadır.

1’den 100’e kadar İngilizce sayılar ve Türkçe okunuşları aşağıda listelenmiştir.

Sayma Sayısı
(Cardinal Number)
Sayma Sayısı
İngilizce Yazımı
Sayma Sayısı
Türkçe Okunuşu
Sıra Sayısı
(Ordinal Numbers)
Sıra Sayısı
Türkçe Karşılığı
1Onevan1st: Firstbirinci
2Twotu2nd: Secondikinci
3Threetıri3rd: Thirdüçüncü
4Fourfor4th: Fourthdördüncü
5Fivefayf5th: Fifthbeşinci
6Sixsiks6th: Sixthaltıncı
7Sevensevın7th: Seventhyedinci
8Eighteyt8th: Eighthsekizinci
9Ninenayn9th: Ninthdokuzuncu
10Tenten10th: Tenthonuncu
11Elevenelevın11th: Eleventhon birinci
12Twelvetvelf12th: Twelfthon ikinci
13Thirteentörtiin13th: Thirteenthon üçüncü
14Fourteenfortiin14th: Fourteenthon dördüncü
15Fifteenfiftiin15th: Fifteenthon beşinci
16Sixteensikstiin16th: Sixteenthon altıncı
17Seventeensevıntiin17th: Seventeenthon yedinci
18Eighteeneytiin18th: Eighteenthon sekizinci
19Nineteennayntiin19th: Nineteenthon dokuzuncu
20Twentytıventi20th: Twentiethyirminci
21Twenty-onetıventi van21st: Twenty-Firstyirmi birinci
22Twenty-twotıventi tu22nd: Twenty-Secondyirmi ikinci
23Twenty-threetıventi tıri23rd: Twenty-Thirdyirmi üçüncü
24Twenty-fourtıventi for24th: Twenty-Fourthyirmi dördüncü
25Twenty-fivetıventi fayf25th: Twenty-Fifthyirmi beşinci
26Twenty-sixtıventi six26th: Twenty-Sixthyirmi altıncı
27Twenty-seventıventi seven27th: Twenty-Seventhyirmi yedinci
28Twenty-eighttıventi eyt28th: Twenty-Eighthyirmi sekizinci
29Twenty-ninetıventi nayn29th: Twenty-Ninthyirmi dokuzuncu
30Thirtytörti30th: Thirtiethotuzuncu
31Thirty-onetörti van31st: Thirty-Firstotuz birinci
32Thirty-twotörti tu32nd: Thirty-Secondotuz ikinci
33Thirty-threetörti tıri33rd: Thirty-Thirdotuz üçüncü
34Thirty-fourtörti for34th: Thirty-Fourthotuz dördüncü
35Thirty-fivetörti fayf35th: Thirty-Fifthotuz beşinci
36Thirty-sixtörti siks36th: Thirty-Sixthotuz altıncı
37Thirty-seventörti sevın37th: Thirty-Seventhotuz yedinci
38Thirty-eighttörti eyt38th: Thirty-Eighthotuz sekizinci
39Thirty-ninetörti nayn39th: Thirty-Ninthotuz dokuzuncu
40Fortyforti40th: Fortiethkırkıncı
41Forty-oneforti van41st: Forty-Firstkırk birinci
42Forty-twoforti tu42nd: Forty-Secondkırk ikinci
43Forty-threeforti tıri43rd: Forty-Thirdkırk üçüncü
44Forty-fourforti for44th: Forty-Fourthkırk dördüncü
45Forty-fiveforti fayf45th: Forty-Fifthkırk beşinci
46Forty-sixforti siks46th: Forty-Sixthkırk altıncı
47Forty-sevenforti sevın47th: Forty-Seventhkırk yedinci
48Forty-eightforti eyt48th: Forty-Eighthkırk sekizinci
49Forty-nineforti nayn49th: Forty-Ninthkırk dokuzuncu
50Fiftyfifti50th: Fiftiethellinci
51Fifty-onefifti van51st: Fifty-Firstelli birinci
52Fifty-twofifti tu52nd: Fifty-Secondelli ikinci
53Fifty-threefifti tıri53rd: Fifty-Thirdelli üçüncü
54Fifty-fourfifti for54th: Fifty-Fourthelli dördüncü
55Fifty-fivefifti fayf55th: Fifty-Fifthelli beşinci
56Fifty-sixfifti siks56th: Fifty-Sixthelli altıncı
57Fifty-sevenfifti sevın57th: Fifty-Seventhelli yedinci
58Fifty-eightfifti eyt58th: Fifty-Eighthelli sekizinci
59Fifty-ninefifti nayn59th: Fifty-Ninthelli dokuzuncu
60Sixtysiksti60th: Sixtiethatmışıncı
61Sixty-onesiksti van61th: Sixty-Firstatmış birinci
62Sixty-twosiksti tu62nd: Sixty-Secondatmış ikinci
63Sixty-threesiksti tıri63rd: Sixty-Thirdatmış üçüncü
64Sixty-foursiksti for64th: Sixty-Fourthatmış dördüncü
65Sixty-fivesiksti fayf65th: Sixty-Fifthatmış beşinci
66Sixty-sixsiksti siks66th: Sixty-Sixthatmış altıncı
67Sixty-sevensiksti sevın67th: Sixty-Seventhatmış yedinci
68Sixty-eightsiksti eyt68th: Sixty-Eighthatmış sekizinci
69Sixty-ninesiksti nayn69th: Sixty-Ninthatmış dokuzuncu
70Seventysevınti70th: Seventiethyetmişinci
71Seventy-onesevınti van71st: Seventy-Firstyetmiş birinci
72Seventy-twosevınti tu72nd: Seventy-Secondyetmiş ikinci
73Seventy-threesevınti tıri73rd: Seventy-Thirdyetmiş üçüncü
74Seventy-foursevınti for74th: Seventy-Fourthyetmiş dördüncü
75Seventy-fivesevınti fayf75th: Seventy-Fifthyetmiş beşinci
76Seventy-sixsevınti siks76th: Seventy-Sixthyetmiş altıncı
77Seventy-sevensevınti sevın77th: Seventy-Seventhyetmiş yedinci
78Seventy-eightsevınti eyt78th: Seventy-Eighthyetmiş sekizinci
79Seventy-ninesevınti nayn79th: Seventy-Ninthyetmiş dokuzuncu
80Eightyeyti80th: Eightiethsekseninci
81Eighty-oneeyti van81st: Eighty-Firstseksen birinci
82Eighty-twoeyti tu82nd: Eighty-Secondseksen ikinci
83Eighty-threeeyti tıri83rd: Eighty-Thirdseksen üçüncü
84Eighty-foureyti for84th: Eighty-Fourthseksen dördüncü
85Eighty-fiveeyti fayf85th: Eighty-Fifthseksen beşinci
86Eighty-sixeyti siks86th: Eighty-Sixthseksen altıncı
87Eighty-seveneyti sevın87th: Eighty-Seventhseksen yedinci
88Eighty-eighteyti eyt88th: Eighty-Eighthseksen sekizinci
89Eighty-nineeyti nayn89th: Eighty-Ninthseksen dokuzuncu
90Ninetynaynti90th: Ninetiethdoksanıncı
91Ninety-onenaynti van91st: Ninety-Firstdoksan birinci
92Ninety-twonaynti tu92nd: Ninety-Seconddoksan ikinci
93Ninety-threenaynti tıri93rd: Ninety-Thirddoksan üçüncü
94Ninety-fournaynti for94th: Ninety-Fourthdoksan dördüncü
95Ninety-fivenaynti fayf95th: Ninety-Fifthdoksan beşinci
96Ninety-sixnaynti siks96th: Ninety-Sixthdoksan altıncı
97Ninety-sevennaynti sevın97th: Ninety-Seventhdoksan yedinci
98Ninety-eightnaynti eyt98th: Ninety-Eighthdoksan sekizinci
99Ninety-ninenaynti nayn99th: Ninety-Ninthdoksan dokuzuncu
100one-hundredvan handırıd (e handırıd)100th: Hundredthyüzüncü

İngilizce Sayılar ve Türkçe Okunuşları

100 one hundred
101 one hundred and one
102 one hundred and two
103 one hundred and three
104 one hundred and four
105 one hundred and five
106 one hundred and six
107 one hundred and seven
108 one hundred and eight
109 one hundred and nine
110 one hundred and ten

111 one hundred and eleven
112 one hundred and twelve
113 one hundred and thirteen
114 one hundred and fourteen
115 one hundred and fifteen
116 one hundred and sixteen
117 one hundred and seventeen
118 one hundred and eighteen
119 one hundred and nineteen

120 one hundred and twenty
121 one hundred and twenty one
122 one hundred and twenty two
123 one hundred and twenty three
124 one hundred and twenty four
125 one hundred and twenty five
126 one hundred and twenty six
127 one hundred and twenty seven
128 one hundred and twenty eight
129 one hundred and twenty nine

130 one hundred and thirty
131 one hundred and thirty one
132 one hundred and thirty two
133 one hundred and thirty three
134 one hundred and thirty four
135 one hundred and thirty five
136 one hundred and thirty six
137 one hundred and thirty seven
138 one hundred and thirty eight
139 one hundred and thirty nine

140 one hundred and forty
141 one hundred and forty one
142 one hundred and forty two
143 one hundred and forty three
144 one hundred and forty four
145 one hundred and forty five
146 one hundred and forty six
147 one hundred and forty seven
148 one hundred and forty eight
149 one hundred and forty nine

150 one hundred and fifty
151 one hundred and fifty one
152 one hundred and fifty two
153 one hundred and fifty three
154 one hundred and fifty four
155 one hundred and fifty five
156 one hundred and fifty six
157 one hundred and fifty seven
158 one hundred and fifty eight
159 one hundred and fifty nine

160 one hundred and sixty
161 one hundred and sixty one
162 one hundred and sixty two
163 one hundred and sixty three
164 one hundred and sixty four
165 one hundred and sixty five
166 one hundred and sixty six
167 one hundred and sixty seven
168 one hundred and sixty eight
169 one hundred and sixty nine

170 one hundred and seventy
171 one hundred and seventy one
172 one hundred and seventy two
173 one hundred and seventy three
174 one hundred and seventy four
175 one hundred and seventy five
176 one hundred and seventy six
177 one hundred and seventy seven
178 one hundred and seventy eight
179 one hundred and seventy nine

180 one hundred and eighty
181 one hundred and eighty one
182 one hundred and eighty two
183 one hundred and eighty three
184 one hundred and eighty four
185 one hundred and eighty five
186 one hundred and eighty six
187 one hundred and eighty seven
188 one hundred and eighty eight
189 one hundred and eighty nine

190 one hundred and ninety
191 one hundred and ninety one
192 one hundred and ninety two
193 one hundred and ninety three
194 one hundred and ninety four
195 one hundred and ninety five
196 one hundred and ninety six
197 one hundred and ninety seven
198 one hundred and ninety eight
199 one hundred and ninety nine
200 Two hundred

200 Two hundred
201 two hundred and one
202 two hundred and two
203 two hundred and three
204 two hundred and four
205 two hundred and five
206 two hundred and six
207 two hundred and seven
208 two hundred and eight
209 two hundred and nine
210 two hundred and ten

211 two hundred and eleven
212 two hundred and twelve
213 two hundred and thirteen
214 two hundred and fourteen
215 two hundred and fifteen
216 two hundred and sixteen
217 two hundred and seventeen
218 two hundred and eighteen
219 two hundred and nineteen

20 two hundred and twenty
221 two hundred and twenty one
222 two hundred and twenty two
223 two hundred and twenty three
224 two hundred and twenty four
225 two hundred and twenty five
226 two hundred and twenty six
227 two hundred and twenty seven
228 two hundred and twenty eight
229 two hundred and twenty nine

230 two hundred and thirty
231 two hundred and thirty one
232 two hundred and thirty two
233 two hundred and thirty three
234 two hundred and thirty four
235 two hundred and thirty five
236 two hundred and thirty six
237 two hundred and thirty seven
238 two hundred and thirty eight
239 two hundred and thirty nine

240 two hundred and forty
241 two hundred and forty one
242 two hundred and forty two
243 two hundred and forty three
244 two hundred and forty four
245 two hundred and forty five
246 two hundred and forty six
247 two hundred and forty seven
248 two hundred and forty eight
249 two hundred and forty nine

250 two hundred and fifty
251 two hundred and fifty one
252 two hundred and fifty two
253 two hundred and fifty three
254 two hundred and fifty four
255 two hundred and fifty five
256 two hundred and fifty six
257 two hundred and fifty seven
258 two hundred and fifty eight
259 two hundred and fifty nine

260 two hundred and sixty
261 two hundred and sixty one
262 two hundred and sixty two
263 two hundred and sixty three
264 two hundred and sixty four
265 two hundred and sixty five
266 two hundred and sixty six
267 two hundred and sixty seven
268 two hundred and sixty eight
269 two hundred and sixty nine—&client=ca-pub-6595984147764569&output=html&h=280&slotname=5422825482&adk=2369162456&adf=579458692&×280&×280%2C0x0%2C650x280%2C650x280%2C650x280%2C1466x740%2C728x90%2C650x280%2C650x280%2C650x280%2C650x280%2C650x280&nras=3&correlator=8152367668648&frm=20&pv=1&ga_vid=1641658624.1700412101&ga_sid=1700412101&ga_hid=1109583759&ga_fc=0&u_tz=180&u_his=9&u_h=864&u_w=1536&u_ah=816&u_aw=1536&u_cd=24&u_sd=1.25&dmc=8&adx=32&ady=9734&biw=686&bih=740&scr_x=0&scr_y=6775&eid=44759875%2C44759926%2C31079266%2C31079629%2C44798934%2C31078301&oid=2&psts=AOrYGskPRHA86ohGMVslUflVAicBPyKCA-4foEePS6qGtoc_8Q94TT7XI8xQqddL4B9Z-cxSzhEYb9zyKF3hCQcmG_ndAYh4%2CAOrYGsngouGyERM4andaiSWfxS0bBzo4mAIY9Zu89yNQdWtK3Oppe4SBHuHyO2vL9CdrsNIbjuOmQpxyGxEBO6NarxzsScw_%2CAOrYGsk99a3F90vclYmaYf_tTSzQ_-epIaDjDxSPsk7Z8OFdFlCnfv344tfl2r-AgSp8G3XR5m4cE6euKgwovYIH4uDk206Z%2CAOrYGslry9Mn_RqcR-MCzDQJ7QrjqTBB2RBAE7FPL-MEswMgIRbL6gcfhShL3o89PqLjUe-8A6JvQm8lX_-yVaPSrh2w1FKV&pvsid=251760860109296&tmod=1085090385&wsm=1&uas=3&nvt=1&!b&btvi=11&fsb=1&dtd=M

270 two hundred and seventy
271 two hundred and seventy one
272 two hundred and seventy two
273 two hundred and seventy three
274 two hundred and seventy four
275 two hundred and seventy five
276 two hundred and seventy six
277 two hundred and seventy seven
278 two hundred and seventy eight
279 two hundred and seventy nine

280 two hundred and eighty
281 two hundred and eighty one
282 two hundred and eighty two
283 two hundred and eighty three
284 two hundred and eighty four
285 two hundred and eighty five
286 two hundred and eighty six
287 two hundred and eighty seven
288 two hundred and eighty eight
289 two hundred and eighty nine

290 two hundred and ninety
291 two hundred and ninety one
292 two hundred and ninety two
293 two hundred and ninety three
294 two hundred and ninety four
295 two hundred and ninety five
296 two hundred and ninety six
297 two hundred and ninety seven
298 two hundred and ninety eight
299 two hundred and ninety nine

300 three hundred

İngilizce sayıları yüzer yüzer okuyalım:

100 One hundred
200 Two hundred
300 Three hundred
400 Four hundred
500 Five hundred
600 Six hundred
700 Seven hundred
800 Eight hundred
900 Nine hundred

1000 One thousand

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Arif Akyüz İçerik Üreticisi Siber Güvenlik Uzmanı

Arif Akyüz
İçerik Üreticisi & Siber Güvenlik Uzmanı
[email protected]

© 2024 Arif Akyüz. Tüm Hakları Saklıdır. Gizlilik politikası
Yasal Uyarı: Bu sitede yer alan makaleler bilgi amaçlıdır ve hatalar içerebilir. Site sahibi, bu bilgilerin kullanımı sonucunda oluşabilecek zararlardan sorumlu tutulamaz.